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 © Lynne Hall and Alison France 2008-2024  All rights reserved.  Last updated 27/04/2024     Cookies and Privacy Policies

New Delaval

The following have appeared in our research projects:

Annie BARLOW,   Abt 1906

Barbara Isabella BARLOW,   1902

Elisha BROOKS,   1907

Thomas William BROOKS,   1888

Vera BROOKS,   1909

Margaret CLARK,   Abt 1874

Mary A GUY,   1896

Frances Jane MOORE,   1890

John Thomas MOORE,   1888

Frances OGLE,   1877

John OGLE,   1873

Thomas OGLE,   1885

Harriet SMITH,   Abt 1872

Gilbert WEAR,  Abt 1915

Ivy WEAR,  Abt 1912


Adam Atkinson PERCY,   1887

Alice PERCY,   1896

Elizabeth PERCY,   1892

Ida May PERCY,   1900

James PERCEY,   1870

John PERCEY,   1868

Northumberland Counties Contact

New Delaval grew as a village around the collieries that were sunk in the early 1800s.   

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